What Should You Prepare for the Long Trip

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Most Spaniards will enjoy the next vacation after traveling by car. The destination is not always close to where everyone lives, so before traveling, you should check the condition of the car. These types of reviews should not do at least once a year, but as most drivers do not follow this advice, it is not bad to ...


Tips to Help You Check Car Brake Problems

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We have spoken on numerous occasions about the safety triangle of our car: As we had explained and also detect problems in them, the time has come to know how to know if your car’s brakes work well. Although here we try to show what are the most common problems in the brakes and how to renew them, before any ...


What You Need to Know About the Car Maintenance

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We always say that in cars.com, there is room for everyone: whether you are a regular of the detailing or if you prefer to use homemade solutions, such as cleaning the tires with an oven cleaner or starting the car with a rope. 1. Check the wheels The only part of our vehicle that is in contact with the ground ...


How to Save Car Fuel in Daily Driving

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Everyone knows that the price of fuel is quite high. To try to solve this problem, we have compiled a series of tips to save you money when refueling, as many driving habits lead us to waste gasoline or diesel oil on certain occasions. Although admittedly, they are not all the necessary advice to save fuel, for that ...